Biological v Chronological Age Calculator Quiz

Chronological refers to the number of birthdays you have had and therefore this number cannot be changed. However, biological looks at many factors of the ageing process including genetics, lifestyle and environment. This can be improved upon or even reversed through healthy lifestyle changes including stress management, sleep, nutrition and fitness. Every person ages differently.

So take the quiz, however don’t take it too seriously, though it may just highlight where in your life you could make some healthier choices.


I am overweight and could ideally loose a stone or over 6kgs+ 2 years
I am a little overweight and could ideally loose half a stone or 3.5kgs+ 1 year
I am in the correct weight range for my height– 2 years
I am underweight+ 1 year


I do at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise( getting out of breath) including 2 sessions of strength/resistance training weekly– 2 years
Not much formal exercise, I try to do some walking and a little gentle exerciseNo change
I do little exercise+ 2 years


Generally balanced with plenty of vegetables and fruits, good protein sources, little sugar– 2 years
Diet not good, ultra processed, convenience foods and sweet tooth+ 2 years
Mainly a balanced diet but junk food when stressed and busy+ 1 year


I sit for most of the day+ 2 years
I sit most of the day but get up hourly to move aroundNo change
I am active and don’t sit for long periods– 2 years


Never– 2 years
Used toNo change
Yes, am a smoker+ 2 years


7 to 9 hours a night and wake up feeling refreshed– 2 years
Generally disrupted with less than 6 hours a night+ 2 years


Are you constantly under stress

Yes, but find it manageableNo change
No, but experience short term stress from time to time– 1 year
Yes, feeling overwhelmed and affects my mood+ 2 years


Less than 14 units weekly NHS recommendation. 1 unit = 1 small glass of wine

A few alcohol free days– 1 year
More than 14 units of alcohol weekly+ 2 years


Once you total up the numbers it will reveal your biological age. Ideally this will be lower than your chronological age. If not then it is possible to lower this number by changing some lifestyle choices to healthier ones and rewinding the body clock.