Also known as a nutritionist or health coach, a wellness coach is more focused on a holistic overview of the individual, which will include looking at sleep patterns, energy, fitness and exercise, lifestyle and stress level, along with eating behaviours. A nutrition coach will be more focused on educating their client about better food choices to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Both will work on a one-to-one basis to provide support to allow the individual to achieve their own health goals to reach improved well-being through behaviour changes, creating new habits and having the knowledge and confidence to maintain this.
A Nutrition Coach should not be confused with a Dietician, who tend to work within a clinical setting, usually a hospital, and will use a care plan to treat a disease. A wellness and nutrition coach are not medically qualified.
What is a Health Connect Coach within the NHS?
This is a health and well-being coaching programme with volunteers who have lived with the experience of a long-term health condition. The coach is trained and carefully paired with an individual known as a peer who is struggling to manage their own condition. The programme aims to support and empower the individual by building their knowledge, skills and self-confidence, to self-manage their health and well-being, enabling them to enjoy what is most important to them.